Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Aquarium Stand

Aquarium stands are a great thing to have in your home when you have an aquarium. Placing tanks on tables can be dangerous; maybe the table is not strong enough to withhold the weight of the tank filled with water? The table may be on wheels? These are things that you have to think about and you can’t just leave a tank on the floor. When a tank is filled it is impossible to move as it is extremely heavy with water, and it is not very nice to get the fish settled then haul them out and start over again. So the best thing that you can do is to purchase a proper stand and place the tank on it before setting up your aquarium.

Aquarium stands can be bought at any fish shop; they usually come with a cabinet on the bottom, and range in size. They need to have their weight spread out so that they can support the weight of the full tank. Most tanks come in beech or black but they are easy enough to strip and paint. There are some aquariums that come ready with their stand. They are like multi pack aquariums, the stand and all the equipment such as heaters, filters and lights all come together and of course the stand is included. These are probably the best types of aquariums to buy.

When purchasing your aquarium stand second hand always give it a thorough checking over, make sure that there are no cracks or pieces of the stand are loose as this could make your stand faulty and it may not be able to hold the weight of the tank, which is of course essential. Examine the stand and if you have any doubts don’t buy it, it is not worth it if it falls to pieces two weeks after the tank has been set up! Choosing your aquarium stand is not hard; just make sure that it is the right size for your aquarium. Also that it is not falling to bits and of course it is in the colour that you want.

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